Deb & Walt on the Chilkoot Trail Day 4: Bennett and the train to Skagway |
Bennett is a beautiful and peaceful spot...
Click on this picture for a larger version... |
Our campsite was right where the river flows in from Lake Lindeman... during the Gold Rush, the Palace Hotel was on this spot... |
Every night of the trip we had to hang our food up to keep it away from the bears. Every camp on the trail had one of these... | |
brushes her teeth long and often, and with great results!
I want to personally thank her parents for the large amount of money invested in them, and also let them know that she is being a good girl and taking good care of them.... |
The river leading up to Lake Lindemann. The rapids are just out of sight... | |
Behind Deb you can see bedrock that was smoothed and polished off by glaciers. Later, a little topsoil forms and trees grow. Once the glaciers have gone, water enters the cracks in the rock and freezes, breaking off the chunks on which she stands... |
by the beach of lake Bennett is where most of the Stampeders set up
their tents and built their boats. they left behind tons of
garbage, but the longest lasting is glass. There are literally thousands
of broken bottles.
Deb holds has found a rare unbroken one. |
glass lasts a long time. No, I didn't cut my foot.
And Karo Syrup has been around a long time. If you look at it sideways, the can is still readable . |
This cigarette tobacco can was extraordinarily well preserved... | |
boat was down by the train station. I just got in to take this
After we got home, I saw it on TV. It turned out that it was used on a PBS special where four men and a woman re-created the Gold Rush for the cameras. They took this boat to Dawson. Its identifying number was 2024. I couldn't believe it when I saw it again... |
A beautiful scene of Lake Bennett. Click on the photo for a larger image... | |
These pilings were for the docks built in 1898 |
Time to go.. We packed up an headed down to the train station... | |
front part of the train was enclosed... But it was full of people
who had a round-trip ticket. The back of the bus, is where they
put all of us hikers...
Discrimination by smell, I guess. We probably were better off not getting to concentrated... |
Debbie longs for the warmth of the enclosed car... |
Who cares about those effete wimps anyhow? A fellow hiker snapped this portrait of Deb and I in the open rail car.... One of my proudest moments... | |
will our hero and heroine be up to next? Read on, to the next exciting chapter
The Adventures of Deb & Walt !! Other Adventures of Walt & Deb...